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Who we are?

SOS OnlineHelp is a service of SOS Détresse – Mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online a.s.b.l..

SOS Détresse is an NGO of public utility whose aim is to offer an anonymous help by phone or email to anyone facing a difficult situation in their life.

Since 1977, SOS Détresse provide a counselling service over the phone, thanks to the committment of a team of volunteers. Keeping up with modern technology, SOS Détresse propose also since 2014 a counselling service by email as an additional way to offer their help.

Our aim is to offer our help without judgement to anyone facing difficulties or who needs to discuss a problem in their life. We would like to help people discover their inner resources, see things in a new perspective, and to find peace and reassurance.

SOS OnlineHelp is composed of a team of ten professionals and volunteers. The volunteers have all been specifically trained to provide counselling over the phone.They are regularly supervised and receive regular training.

SOS Détresse has an agreement with the ‚‘‘Ministère de la Famille et de l’Intégration‘‘ that guarantees the professional statut and provides the financial support.

The association is also a member of the International Federation of Telefon Emergency Services (IFOTES). SOS Détresse base their working principles on the founding statutes of the IFOTES as well as its own directive.

Go to the main page of SOS Détresse

SOS Détresse - Mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online a.s.b.l.
B.P. 620, L-2016 Luxembourg

Email: (administration)

SOS Détresse has the official recognition
«Agrément formation et conseil socio-familial»
from the Ministère de la Famille, de l’Intégration et à la Grande Région

Bank details for donations :
BCEE LU20 0019 5000 1190 4000

SOS Détresse on Facebook

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