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Look for a way forward, find support, see things in a new light.

Someone to write to
The help we provide by email is private and anonymous, tailor-made, and free of charge.
For adults from Luxembourg and the Greater Region.
It is a first step towards change.

Write to us via mail or chat

  • Write to relieve your heart...

    It is sometimes difficult to talk about our problems. Writing to us instead could be a first step…

    continued ...

  • Our OnlineHelp

    Confidential, tailor-made, free of charge. In Luxembourgish, German or French, English and Portuguese. We respond to the first message within 3 working days. Chat every Monday & Thursday from 5 to 9 p.m.

    continued ...

  • Why contact us?

    You may ask yourself „how will it help“? Read here why writing us an email could be really beneficial…

    continued ...

A service from

SOS Détresse - Mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online a.s.b.l.
B.P. 620, L-2016 Luxembourg

Email: (administration)

SOS Détresse has the official recognition
«Agrément formation et conseil socio-familial»
from the Ministère de la Famille, de l’Intégration et à la Grande Région

Bank details for donations :
BCEE LU20 0019 5000 1190 4000

SOS Détresse on Facebook

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