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You can request our serivce by email, if…

…you feel the need to share your thoughts, your concerns, your feelings through writing and wish to have help finding an answer to your problems.

…you find yourself in a difficult situation and need guidance.

…you find it hard to pick up the telephone or talk to someone face to face

…you feel more confortable discussing your problems by writing things down rather than talking about it.

…you don’t know who to contact, in order to solve your problems and need help online to find the most suitable help for your issues.

SOS Détresse - Mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online a.s.b.l.
B.P. 620, L-2016 Luxembourg

Email: (administration)

SOS Détresse has the official recognition
«Agrément formation et conseil socio-familial»
from the Ministère de la Famille, de l’Intégration et à la Grande Région

Bank details for donations :
BCEE LU20 0019 5000 1190 4000

SOS Détresse on Facebook

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