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New training course in English for volunteers

Publié le 3 mai 2021

Do you enjoy contact with people? Are human relationships and psychology of interest to you? Are you a good listener? Are you self-aware and do you know your own limits? Are you able to handle a crisis? Would you like to get involved in volunteering?

If so, please join our team of volunteers at SOS Détresse – Mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online!

SOS Détresse was set up in the 1970s to provide telephone assistance to people experiencing emotional difficulties. Conversations are anonymous and confidential.

Training is given in English and lasts a year and a half, during which you will learn listening techniques; you will acquire general principles of psychology and human relations; you will gain self-knowledge and develop a sense of self-worth; and you will be in contact with other volunteers and social workers.

The next training in English will start on September 21, 2021.
Information interviews are already starting now.

Please get in touch via mail or email:
SOS Détresse – B.P. 620 – L-2016 Luxembourg
Email: volunteering@sosdetresse.lu

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