17th World Suicide Prevention Day

The 17th World Suicide Prevention Day will be observed on September the 10th 2019. The initiative goes back to 2003, when The International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization introduced it.
In Luxemburg, it is estimated that about 75 people commit suicide every year, while the number of suicide attempts reaches up to 1,500 per year. In addition to this tragedy, about 15,000 people are touched and bereaved by these losses.
SOS Détresse wholeheartedly supports this initiative and shares a warm thought with all those affected by the scourge of suicide. Throughout the year we seek to raise awareness about suicide risk factors, to increase public understanding and send the message that nobody should stay alone with their suicidal thoughts.
Thus, we supported and participated to the Darkness into Light walk, which for the first time took also place in Luxemburg (https://www.facebook.com/DILLUX). In addition to being present in various medias, such as articles or press conferences, radio interviews, we will be holding a workshop at the 11th National Suicide Prevention Days, organized by our colleagues of the Information and Prevention Service of the Ligue, from October 8th to 10th.
You can also find thematic texts on suicide on our website by clicking on the following links:
But most importantly, we are available to anyone in need, be it on the phone under the number 45 45 45, or by using our online messaging service under the following link https://454545.lu/onlinehelp-lu/ Because the exchange, communication and contact between people remains for us the first and most important prevention.