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Darkness into Light Luxemburg 2020 edition

Publié le 3 March 2020

This year again, SOS Détresse, in partnership with Kanner-Jugent Telefon and the Service Information et Prévention of the Ligue, supports and associates itself to the initiative Darkness into Light Luxemburg.

The event is an annual, international 5 km walk organised by Pieta House in Ireland to raise awareness of suicide and self-harm. Launched in Dublin in 2009, it now takes place in over 200 venues across five continents. And since last year in the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg too.

This year, the start will take place at the Tramsschapp in the neighborhood of Limpertsberg in Luxemburg City, on May 9th at 05:00 am. Every participant will walk from Darkness into Light, walking into the dawn of a new day, filled with hope.

By walking with us on May 9th, you will help raise funds that will be shared between three non-profit associations in Luxembourg: “Kanner-Jugend Telefon”, “Information and Prevention Service” of the D’Ligue and “SOS Détresse – Mir hëllefen iwwer Telefon an online“, and the organising association “Pieta House – Preventing Suicide and Self Harm”.

Join us by subscribing to the walk here: https://www.darknessintolight.ie/event/luxembourg

Share the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DILLUX

Or you can simply make a donation to support the initiative and the associations that are committed to suicide prevention and to support the people concerned by it.

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