20. International IFOTES Congress in Aachen

We take part with 20 members.
“The theme of our international congress reflects the work of more than 21,000 volunteers in 23 countries who dedicate themselves to helping people in emotional and spiritual need. At the European level the dialogue across countries began more than 50 years ago, when the organisers of crisis telephone services came together in Geneva in 1967 for the purpose of founding the non-profit making ‘International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services’ (IFOTES).
July 2016 will see the twentieth IFOTES Congress, which will focus on the two central task areas of media-based help for people undergoing a crisis: supporting those who are at risk of committing suicide and strengthening their emotional balance.
Such demanding voluntary work requires the exchange of ideas and experiences as well as the development of skills and accompanying support. For this purpose the congress will, at the international level, present recent research results together with studies from the field of suicide prevention, best-practice models and listening skills, together with practical experience of telephone and Internet-based crisis support.”
Source: www.ifotescongress2016.org